The illustrated astrological congress in Perugia

The gentle author of this blog has just arrived from Perugia, where she peregrined – she was obliged to wake up to 5 AM to arrive in time – for the Congress organized by Nunzia Coppola Meskalila, with Deborah Houlding as special guest

Perugia is a special place for astrologers because it is Placidus Titi birthplace, so for the congress, Meskalila chose a proper place, the Palazzo dei Priori, a place built between the XIII and the XIV century, in the moment the city was becoming more and more important as cultural and economic center.

The Congress would be a cross-over between several branches of astrology so they were present different astrologers from different places of the world: Lucia Bellizia of Apotelesma with her lecture about Teucer of Babylon and his decans, Deborah Houlding with a lecture about the different reading of houses in modern and traditional astrology, MariaGrazia La Rosa and Grazia Bordoni with two portraits of famous women, Annie Besant and Luisa Spagnoli, Rosa Sole (Spain) from Hubner school, Pasang Arya Sherpa from Tibet with a lecture about Tibetan astrology and medicine, and Meskalila (a mix of Italy and India) who talked about universe and multiverse.

As usually it’s easy to demonstrate that pillars of astrology are always women.

From left to right Patrizia Nava, an horarist with John Frawley diploma, Lucia Bellizia of Apotelesma, Deborah Houlding and me, obviously.

The next day was dedicated to astrological art.

Our visit started from the Medieval fountain in front of the Palace, which has the 12 Zodiacal signs depicted on the marm.

Gemini and Cancer details:

Gemini and Cancer
Gemini and Cancer

But obviously we cannot miss one of the wonders of Perugia, the astrological Vault of Cambio, with the chariots of the seven planets. In this picture we can see the Sun chariot in the centre, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn from left to right. Below Mercury, Venus and Moon




Unfortunately there is not trace of Placidus in Perugia, he was born out of the city. In vain we searched for him, but we have his books in order to remember him, no?

Placido Titi
Placido Titi

4 thoughts on “The illustrated astrological congress in Perugia

  1. Hi Margherita,

    Wow the Vault of Cambio looks stunning. And you had the wonderful Deborah Houlding too. Thats worth getting up early for any day.


  2. Of course that goes without saying!

    The talk by Lucia Bellizia about Teucer of Babylon sounded very interesting too. I am hearing so much about him from you and your text on Rhetorius.

    Why were you not speaking though? You have so much knowledge to share.
    I am working my way through the blog and finding so many interesting things.

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