Alcune parole :) sulla storia dell’astrologia

Ho trovato in Robert Hand una lista di parole che sono abbastanza interessanti e che dimostrano come alcune tecniche dell’astrologia vedica sono importate di sana pianta – qualunque poi sia stata la loro evoluzione successiva- dall’astrologia greca. Le prime due liste risalgono ad un periodo più antico, ed immagino siano un contributo del sanscrito alla cultura europea, la terza invece è il sofisticato contributo dell’astrologia ellenistica a quella sanscrita.

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Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia, a lecture by Prof. Antonio Panaino

The following is an abstract of the lecture kept in Sophia at the New Bulgarian University on  the 19th November 2009 by Prof. Antonio Panaino, the famous Italian Orientalist, Professor of Alma Mater Studiorum and Isiao – the Italian Institute for Africa and East.
I should thank Dimitar  Kozhuharov who kindly sent me the file; bibliography and pictures  mine.

Everybody believes to know what astrology is, but even between scholars there is a lot of confusion about the real meaning of this word, so it’s necessary to give some basic definitions about words like astrology, astral divination, astrolatry which are not necessary connected. In the same time we can shed some light on the idea that astronomy derives from astrology, being  the latter the  modern and rational offspring while the former is  irrational and primitive source.

It is not like that.

Continue reading Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia, a lecture by Prof. Antonio Panaino