Michael Jackson birth chart, animodar, isaritmia and much more

The gentle author of this blog is not very fond of Michael Jackson music- she has different musical tastes and never in her life took Michael Jackson into consideration- but as every astrologer, she uses people as guinea pigs for her experiments, and she cannot miss this chart.

She likes very much the reading Ben Dykes wrote some years ago (( http://www.bendykes.com/articles.htm )) but she did not study with Robert Zoller…

Continue reading Michael Jackson birth chart, animodar, isaritmia and much more

about animodar, isaritmia, gates of passage and birth rectification

THERE frequently arises some uncertainty as to the precise time of birth, and some apprehensions lest it should not be accurately noted. In most cases, the actual minute of the hour, at which the birth happens, can only be ascertained by making a scientific observation, at the time, with an horoscopical astrolabe; for all other instruments, employed in ascertaining the hour, are almost fallacious, although used by many persons with much care and attention. …

It seems highly necessary to present some method by which the actually ascending degree of the zodiac may be easily ascertained, in a natural and consistent manner.

(The complete text of this chapter can be found here)

This is the beginning of the third chapter of the third book of Tetrabiblos, which gives indications for a method well known, which is  called  Animodar, from the Persian word “namudar“, i.e. significator, index.
With these lines under their eyes different astrologers have read in MiddleAges and Renaissance  the same text in very different ways.

Most of us know quite well the standard method – so maybe we can inquire a little  in the version given by Giuseppe Bezza.

For what I know there is no other English version of this method, so I think it could be useful to traditional astrologers. Anyway, for what I understand of Italian -which it is  my mother tongue, but sometimes I heard some strange strangers to tell they know more than me – this is a modern method, hardly taught in any Renaissance faculty 😦

This variant of the Animodar is called “ isaritmia ”, or opening of gates of passage, because this method is grounded on the fact births are not possible in every moment of the day but just when a door between heaven and earth is opened:  and this  moment is when there is some agreement between the syzygy preceding the birth and the nativity, between local sphere and celestial sphere, i.e. houses and zodiacal signs: this is the natural and consistent manner Ptolemy talks about.

I can’t give any English translation of the word “ isaritmia ” but I guess  it comes from the Greek words:  ISOS, i.e. same and  RYTHMOS, motion, proportion , because the ruler of the preceding syzygy should have a proportion with the rising or culminating angle in the geniture.

The example is taken from the article written by  Bezza and Fumagalli – gossips say Marco Fumagalli is the expert with numbers 🙂  Henry Paul, l’autista di Diana , and  published in Linguaggio Astrale, the journal of Italian Astrological Association CIDA.

In every case Henry Paul was  Lady Diana’s chauffeur, who died with her and with Dody Al Fayed in the famous car accident in Paris.

Let’s start from Henry Paul nativity.
Continue reading about animodar, isaritmia, gates of passage and birth rectification