The American eclipse

Let’s take a look at the “American” eclipse, so named because it occurs primarily over the American continent. To be more specific, it will reach its maximum visibility in Dallas, around 90% visibility in New York and Washington. It will barely touch the northwest Europe, with visibility around 40% in Iceland, imperceptible in Scotland, and along the coast of Portugal. Visibility is crucial because, according to Ptolemy and other Renaissance/early modern authors, an eclipse only influences the places where it is visible.

Continue reading The American eclipse

The devil’s comet 12P/Pons-Brooks 2024: an astrological comment

Let’s take a look at Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, which is on the edge of visibility in our region. For comets, for which the exact start of visibility is uncertain, we use the previous syzygy.

Continue reading The devil’s comet 12P/Pons-Brooks 2024: an astrological comment

Le immagini delle dimore lunari in Giordano Bruno ITA/ENG version

Giordano Bruno non fu solo un filosofo ed un uomo di cultura, ma ad un certo punto, influenzato da Cornelio Agrippa, ma anche dagli autori arabi, si trasformò in mago riprendendo ed estremizzando le posizioni ficiniane sulla religione universale, tanto che le immagini elaborate come supporto dell’arte della memoria ben presto si trasformarono in veri e propri talismani.
Siamo ormai ad un altro livello, che non è più quello terreno, ma quello celeste:

Le forme delle bestie deformi in cielo sono belle. Le forme dei
metalli che da sé non risplendono, brillano nei loro pianeti. Infatti
l’uomo, gli animali e i metalli non esistono lì come sono qui. Invero
ciò che qui scorre disordinatamente lì si trova in atto, a un livello
(De Umbris Idearum)

Le immagini delle dimore lunari sono le seguenti:

Placidian directions with Bianchini’s latitude in Worsdale’s Collection of nativities

Reading a Facebook post about the opening nativity of Worsdale’s Collection of Remarkable Nativities (1) about the nativity of Robert, an unfortunate child, found dead in 1797, without any reason.

This is his chart as drawn by John Worsdale.

The Nativity of Robert Twelves

Then the astrologers rectifies the nativity: in fact when Robert was three, he had a limb broken.

Continue reading Placidian directions with Bianchini’s latitude in Worsdale’s Collection of nativities